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Money Advice Scotland

Money Advice Scotland received a grant from The Murgitroyd Foundation.

Money Advice Scotland is Scotland’s money charity. They exist to help people in debt, support money advisers and influence policy. Their mission is to be the driving force toward financial wellbeing for the people of Scotland. Debt can happen to anyone, and they know how severely it can affect people’s lives.

Peter Costello, Chief Executive at Money Advice Scotland, very kindly wrote to us to express his gratitude:

“Last year, The Murgitroyd Foundation generously gave us a donation to support our activities across Scotland. With your support we were able to deliver financial wellbeing workshops in primary schools across the country.

Over the past year we have been able to grow our team to meet demand, and with this additional capacity we will have more reach across the country and reduce our waiting list. We are also planning to launch new learning modules covering a comprehensive range of resources covering crucial financial education topics in different accessible formats such as recorded webinars for secondary school pupils.

We will expand delivery of our workshops in workplaces and secondary schools. We are aiming to work particularly closely with care-experienced young individuals during their transition towards financial independence. We are also planning to deliver more open-access sessions, available to everyone, tying in with national calendar events such as National Student Money Week and Big Energy Saving Week, which focus on energy costs. Thank you for your support!”